Learning Management System

Learning Management System

More and more people are choosing to learn online each day, combined with restriction due to Covid it almost has become a necessity to have your educational resources available online for your students. At Edgo, we offer you a complete solution to your learning management system using the Open edX® platform. Open edX® software is an open source platform created by Harvard and MIT. 

Open edX® Platform Services 

We offer our clients a complete solution in terms of setting up their online learning presence. Open edX®  software is a robust and powerful platform designed with scalability in mind. Open edX® platform is open source and hence there are no recurring licensing cost for the institution, and the institutions have a high degree of freedom to customize the platform for their needs. 

We also provide multiple hosting options and flexible service scenarios to choose from.

Instructional design and course development   

Seeds don't grow well if you dump a years worth of fertilizer and water and wait for it, it has to be nurtured, with timely delivery of the essentials; its the same with education. Bombarding the learner with a lot of information an waiting for them to learn well is not the best approach. The design and delivery of the course, planning interventions at the right time etc. matters in the learning outcome.  Edgo offers various services to help you design and deliver your courses effectively in various formats.